Preeti Thapa on Dialogue for Strategic Peacebuilding: A Practitioner’s Insights
PODS by PEIJanuary 16, 2024x

Preeti Thapa on Dialogue for Strategic Peacebuilding: A Practitioner’s Insights


In this episode, Khushi and Preeti discuss strategic peacebuilding and the role of Dialogue in it. The two explore the core principles of dialogue as a conflict-solving tool and the wide scope of issues it has helped tackle professionals like Preeti in inviting resolution. They place the significance of dialogue & peacebuilding in the specific context of Nepal and highlight how underlying contentions impact aspects of society and development. They then discuss Preeti’s view on the nexus of peace building and justice and recommendations to improve the State’s efforts for sustainable progress in this front.

Preeti Thapa is a peacebuilder, lawyer, mediator, and certified master trainer in mediation and dialogue with more than 21 years of experience. She is The Asia Foundation’s deputy director of Justice and Governance in Nepal. Her expertise lies in access to justice and strategic peacebuilding through community mediation and multi-stakeholder dialogue. Preeti has worked with Nepal’s Ministry of Law and Justice on mediation policies and, in particular, contributed to the passage of the Mediation Act and Regulation. Preeti is a member of the Nepal Bar Association and of the Community Mediators’ Society Nepal. She is also a visiting faculty member at Kathmandu University, the Army Command and Staff College, and Folke Bernadotte Academy, Sweden on Mediation and Dialogue.

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Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated (PEI) is a policy research center based in Kathmandu. Our team brings in the essential local expertise and experience to deliver impactful results that support inclusive and sustainable growth in Nepal. Through our collaborations with national and international partners, we offer evidence-based insights and engage with decision-makers in the public, private, and social sectors to help them make informed decisions.


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