Kalpana Khanal on Dependence and Dynamics: Nepal's Remittance Economy Dissected
PODS by PEIDecember 19, 2023x

Kalpana Khanal on Dependence and Dynamics: Nepal's Remittance Economy Dissected


In this episode, PEI colleague Aslesh Shrestha sits with Kalpana Khanal to discuss Nepal's heavy reliance on remittances, analyzing their pivotal role in driving economic growth while also scrutinizing the associated risks and vulnerabilities. Exploring the historical trajectory of this dependency, they uncover the factors behind the reliance and examine their impact across sectors ranging from the macroeconomy to households and sector-specific consequences.

Kalpana Khanal is an economist specializing in public policy, international finance, money and banking, development economics, and institutional economics. She currently serves as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Head of the Center for Economic and Infrastructure Development Policy at the Policy Research Institute (PRI) in Nepal. She obtained her Ph.D. and MA degrees in Economics from the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC), USA. Her research focuses on the comprehensive analysis of economic policy issues at a broader level.

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Policy Entrepreneurs Incorporated (PEI) is a policy research center based in Kathmandu. Our team brings in the essential local expertise and experience to deliver impactful results that support inclusive and sustainable growth in Nepal. Through our collaborations with national and international partners, we offer evidence-based insights and engage with decision-makers in the public, private, and social sectors to help them make informed decisions.


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